Charles Shogosho
January 23, 2018
DATE: 14th DECEMBER 2017
I am a first born in a family of four (4), three boys and one girl. I am married with three children, two girls and one boy. Started mining two years ago that is 2015, as a small scale miner.
Before the intervention of the NCCK, I did not bother to involve myself with groups until I was invited to attend a meeting organized by NCCK to educate us on the new mining Act 2016. Since then, I have come to learn a lot in matters pertaining to mining, have met different groups and I am able to organize and form other groups and managed to invite our group to join meetings called by NCCK.
My future dream is to form my own group, manage it myself, educate the members on Mining Act and other means of mining. Through NCCK I have managed to meet county government officials and national government officials not forgetting NCCK officials from Nairobi and Mombasa. I have learnt different methods of mining through meeting different members in different mining groups. Challenges include old system of mining i.e. manual, so I require new machinery to benefit more in mining.
Kindly ask NCCK to look for investors on behalf of the artisanal miners