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CP – Strategic Interventions


In view of the Priority Needs identified during the Corporate Plan development process, and building on the Institutional Analysis, programmatic interventions were designed to cover the broad thematic areas. Due to the high prevalence of poverty across the nation, Economic Empowerment has been mainstreamed. This is because there can be no “magic bullet” to eradicate poverty in a situation where impoverishment of the people has been a long-running systemic process. Poverty will only be dealt with when every aspect of life of the people is aligned to their wellbeing.

During the 7th Corporate Plan period, the following will be the strategic interventions:


5.1      Summary of Interventions

Programmatic Interventions

Thematic Area


Focus Area

1.0 Leadership and Capacity Development

1.1 Enhanced Value Based Leadership in the church and Community

1.1.1 Value Based Church and Community Leadership Development
1.1.2 Youth Leadership Development


1.2 Christians in member churches positively influencing their communities for holistic development

1.2.1 Church and Community Transformation
1.2.2 Discipleship
1.2.3 Family Life Education

2.0 Governance, Peace and Security

2.1 Strengthened governance institutions, structures and processes at county and national levels

2.1.1 Good Governance and Accountability
2.1.2 Constitutional and Legislative reforms
2.1.3 Democracy and Electoral Processes
2.1.4 Strengthening Devolution
2.1.5 Gender Justice


2.2 Enhanced security, peaceful coexistence and national cohesion

2.2.1 National Cohesion and Security Sector Reforms
2.2.2 Countering Violent Extremism

3.0 Climate Change, Food Security and Natural Resource Management

3.1 Improved community resilience towards negative impacts of Climate Change

3.1.1 Climate Change Governance
3.1.2 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation


3.2 Improved sustainability of food systems amongst communities in Kenya

3.2.1 Sustainable Agriculture


3.3 Sustainable management and utilization of Natural Resources

3.3.1 Extractives for sustainable development and peace
3..3.2 Policy and Legislation

4.0 Education, Health and Nutrition

4.1 Value based Education System that is innovative, transformative and holistic

4.1.1 Access to retention and transition in education
4.1.2 Influencing policy and legislation in education
4.1.3 Technical, Vocational, Education and Training (TVET)
4.1.4 Support to Management of Learning Institutions


4.2 Improved health and nutrition

4.2.1 Water and Sanitation
4.2.2 Community Health
4.2.3 Orphans, Vulnerable Children, the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities


4.3 Increased access to quality healthcare and nutrition

4.3.1 Influencing policy development and implementation for health services

5.0 Migration, Displacement and Humanitarian Response

5.1 Promote human dignity for displaced persons

5.1.1 Refugee Services Programme
5.1.2 Migration and Displacement


5.2 Promote human dignity of persons affected by emergencies and disasters

5.2.1 Emergency Response and Relief
5.2.2 Disaster Risk Reduction


Programme Support Functions

Thematic Area


Focus Area

1.0 Programme Information and Communication Office

1.1 NCCK Programme Work is well documented and communicated

1.1.1 Documentation of Programme Work
1.1.2 Information sharing and learning
1.1.3 Vibrant Information Resource Center
1.1.4 Well informed Programmes Initiatives and Activities

2.0 Adequately Resourced Council Programmes

2.1 Resource Mobilisation

2.1.1 Facilitate resource mobilization for Council programmes
2.1.2 Build capacity of staff in resource mobilisation


Strategic Leadership

Thematic Area


Focus Area

1.0 General Secretary’s Office

1.1 Sustainable, responsive and effectively performing Council

1.1.1 Strategic Leadership and Direction setting
1.1.2 Effective management of the Council
1.1.3 Resource Mobilisation
1.1.4 Communication

2.0 Deputy General Secretary’s Office

2.1 A Strengthened Membership that fulfills their Biblical Mandate

2.1.1 Deputize the General Secretary
2.1.2 Spiritual Formation
2.1.3 Provide oversight for NCCK Investments


Service Departments

Thematic Area


Focus Area

1.0 Finance and Investments

1.1 Faithful stewardship of the Council’s financial and non financial resources

1.1.1 Financial planning and budgeting
1.1.2 Management and Accountability of financial and non financial resources
1.2.3 Financial risk management, recovery and continuity

2.0 Human Resources Management

2.1 Recruit, develop and maintain a skilled and competent human resource capital relevant to NCCK work

2.1.1 Human resource, information systems and functions management
2.1.2 Recruitment, retention, training and development
2.1.3 Quality performance management
2.1.4 Staff safety, security, welfare and well being


2.2 Deliver Administrative Services Efficiently

2.2.1 Operations and Administration
2.2.2 Procurement of supplies, goods and services

3.0 Legal Services Office

3.1 A Council fulfilling its constitutional and legal mandates

3.1.1 Legal and Technical support and advice
3.1.2 Governance Support
3.1.3 Legal Representation

4.0 Risk and Internal Audit Unit

4.1 A reputable and secure Council

4.1.1 Risk management
4.1.2 Policies and Regulatory Compliance

5.0 Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning

5.1 Well planned, monitored and communicated outcomes

5.1.1 Planning
5.1.2 Monitoring
5.1.3 Accountability learning and documentation
5.1.4 Evaluation and Reporting

6.0 Information and Communication Technology

6.1 Provide a robust and secure IT infrastructure that supports on-demand access to information

6.1.1 Modernized ICT infrastructure
6.1.2 Data integration and analytics
6.1.3 Cyber security

7.0 Communication and Public Relations

7.1 A visible and vibrant Council that has effective communication between staff, partners and the public

7.1.1 Communication
7.1.2 Public Relations


5.2      Programme Interventions

Implemented by the membership through the national and regional structures, programme interventions are designed to directly impact the lives of community members. It is through the programmatic interventions that the Mission of the Council (Holistic transformation of lives for a just, resilient and sustainable society) is achieved. Programme work of the Council during the 7th Corporate Plan period will be formulated around 5 Thematic Areas:

A. Leadership and Capacity Development

Effective and efficient leadership is required for essential functioning of every society since it ensures there is order and structure. Being results oriented, it facilitates growth and development. Such leadership is founded on servanthood, authenticity and trustworthiness.

Under this Thematic Area, the Council will during this Corporate Plan period work to strengthen accountability structures and systems, promote ethical behavior among leaders, increase public participation, and encourage succession planning in leadership in the country. The Council will also work with the Churches and schools to enhance values through Family Life Education and mentorship programmes for young people to become responsible citizens who are able to make informed choices.

Interventions in this Thematic Area will be informed by the United Nations’ Social Development Goal 2017; Kenya’s Vision 2030 (leadership pillar); Leadership and Integrity Act 2012; Public Officer Ethics Act 2003; Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission Act; and Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes (Amnesty and Restitution) Mechanisms Act.

The Council will equip citizens with necessary skills and information to enable them hold responsibility holders accountable at the national, county, sub-county, ward and village levels. This will be achieved through robust and inclusive civic education programmes as well as an aggressive advocacy campaigns at all levels of governance in the country.

Internally, the Council will strengthen her governance structures at national, regional and county levels, and also support organizational development processes in the member churches and organisations.

These interventions will be carried out through 5 Focus Areas clustered under 2 broad goals:


Goal 1:            Enhanced Value Based Leadership in the church and community

    (i) Value Based Church and Community Leadership Development

The objective is to promote value based leadership in the society by providing a framework for identifying and responding to value based issues in leadership

    (ii) Youth Leadership Development

The objective is to build youths as leaders through internships and vocational trainings for out of school youth


Goal 2: Christians in member churches positively influencing their communities for holistic development

    (iii) Church and Community Transformation

The objective is to empower member churches to transform their lives using locally available God-given resources

    (iv) Discipleship

The objective is to enhance the capacities of member churches to drive Christian and church growth, and undertake family life education

    (v) Family Life Education

The objective is to empower communities with information and skills to enable them build stable families that are functional and have life skills to cope with day to day demands and challenges.


B. Governance, Peace and Security

The Council recognizes that good governance, peace and security are necessary if the lives of the people are to be transformed positively. It is noteworthy that peace, security and national cohesion was a felt need in all the regions.

During the 7th Corporate Plan period, the Council will continue to promote accountable governance, effective democracy, public participation, and empowerment of the marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable communities. To bolster democracy, the Council will promote accountable and ethical political party governance so that all sectors of the society have equitable opportunities to participate.

Special attention will be put on strengthening devolved functions of government, appreciating that devolution was considered one of the greatest gains of the citizens in Constitution of Kenya 2010.

Overall, the Council will develop interventions aimed at empowering the citizens to practice and advocate for good governance, accountability, constitutional and legislative reforms, national cohesion, dialogue and mediation, democracy and just electoral processes, devolution, national justice system, human rights, land ownership and use, as well as social and gender justice. Civic Education will be a key strategy in these interventions.

Interventions in this regard will be aligned to the Leadership and Governance pillar in Kenya’s Vision 2030, as well as Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The Council will also refer to the various laws enacted under this pillar, which include the Leadership and Integrity Act 2012, Public Officer Ethics Act 2003, Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission Act, and the Anti Corruption and Economic Crimes (Amnesty and Restitution) Mechanisms. Interventions in this regard will contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 10 (reduced inequalities) and 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).

For democracy and good governance to thrive, deliberate efforts will need to be put on safety and security at community, county, national and regional levels. The Council will thus continue promoting community peace initiatives, as well strengthening the capacities of member churches to advocate for peace, safety and security for all. During the 7th Corporate Plan period, focus will be put on National Cohesion, Security Sector Reforms and Countering Violent Extremism. Interventions in this cluster will be built on the experience the NCCK has gained over the years when employing multiple strategies, approaches and initiatives to respond to national, inter and intra-community conflicts. These have included advocacy, capacity building, awareness creation, and facilitation of dialogue.

The interventions by the Council in the Peace and Security sector will be aligned to the National Policy on Peace Building, the Kenya National Strategy on Countering Violent Extremism and the Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union. The Council will also endeavor to embrace United Nations Resolution 1325 which requires member states to promote the participation of women in peace building processes.

The interventions in this Thematic Area will be carried out through 7 Focus Areas clustered under 2 broad goals:


Goal 1:            Strengthening governance institutions, structures and processes at county and national levels

    (i) Governance and Accountability

The objective is to promote good governance and strengthening of institutions, and building the capacities of communities to hold national and county governments to account on their mandates

    (ii) Constitutional and Legislative Reforms

The objective is to promote public participation in the national reform agenda, and build the capacities of the community members to engage effectively

    (iii) Democracy and Electoral processes

The objective is to contribute to the holding of peaceful, free, fair and credible elections

    (iv) Strengthening Devolution

The objective is to contribute to the strengthening of county-level governance institutions, and enhance the capacities of the communities to engage county governments

    (v) Gender Justice

The objective is to contribute to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls


Goal 2:  Enhanced security, peaceful co-existence and national cohesion

    (vi) National Cohesion and Security Sector Reforms

The objective is to strengthen national and community dialogue platforms, promote local level dispute resolutions mechanisms, and advocate for security sector reforms

    (vii) Countering Violent Extremism

The objective is to promote local engagements to counter violent extremism, and to provide rehabilitation and re-integration of returnees


C. Climate Change, Food Security and Natural Resource Management

Kenya has had her share of the negative effects of climate change, leading to food insecurity as productivity dwindles across the board. Secondary effects of climate change include the rising cases of conflicts over pasture and water among pastoralist communities as well as conflicts between pastoralists and crop farmers, and increasing levels of poverty in the country. These have been exacerbated by poor natural resources management which leaves communities, and the nation at large, worse off.

In the past, the Council has implemented different programmes aimed at promoting climate change resilience, improving agricultural productivity and value addition, and enhancing inclusive natural resources management.

With regard to climate change, the Council’s interventions in the past were informed by various national and international laws, agreements and policies.

These include:

  • National strategic plans including the Vision 2030, Medium Term Plan 2018 – 2022; AFAs Strategic Plan (2017/2018 – 2021/2022)
  • National Climate Change Action Plan
  • National Climate Change Response Strategy
  • Climate Change Act 2016
  • National Adaptation Plan (2015 – 2030)
  • Nationally Determined Contribution
  • National Environmental Education and Awareness Initiative
  • National Environment Policy
  • Ending Drought Emergencies Strategy
  • Kenya Biodiversity Strategic Plan (2011 – 2020)
  • Aichi Biodiversity Targets
  • Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity
  • UNEP’s Green Economy Assessment Report – Kenya (2014)
  • African Union’s commitment to Integrating Gender in Climate Change Adaptation policies

During the 7th Corporate Plan period, the Council will develop and implement initiatives focusing on climate change governance as well as adaptation and mitigation. Towards this, the Council will equip communities with appropriate skills and knowledge, enhance the capacities of county governments to mainstream climate change adaptation and mitigation in County Plans, improve awareness of NCCK staff and membership on climate change issues, develop climate change adaptation and mitigation programmes targeting the communities, and work to reduce the vulnerability of people, livelihoods, physical assets and natural systems to adverse effects of climate change.

With regard to Food Security, the Council will during the 7th Corporate Plan align her plans and interventions with the:

  • Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority Act 2013
  • Crops Act 2013
  • Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act 2013
  • Food Security Bill 2017 (formulated by the Senate)
  • Kenya’s Vision 2030 (Economic Pillar)
  • Kenya’s Agriculture Sector Development Strategy (2009 – 2020)
  • Medium Term Plan 2018 – 2022
  • Constitution of Kenya 2010 Article 43(1)(c)
  • Big 4 Agenda of the Government of Kenya (Food Security)
  • Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 2 –reducing hunger, increasing food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture)

The goal of the Council’s interventions in this sector will be to contribute to food security through promotion of sustainable agriculture, enhance agricultural and food value chains development, enhancing market access and advocate for improved coherence, coordination and accountability on food security matters and food safety.

With regard to Natural Resources Management, the Council will during the 7th Corporate Plan period focus on the extractives sector, complementing the work of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mining and the National Land Commission. The interventions will also be guided by the Mining Act 2016, as well as other legal instruments focused on protection, conservation and management of the environment. These instruments include the

  • Minerals and Mining Policy
  • National Environmental Education and Awareness Initiative 2018
  • National Environment Policy 2013
  • Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities; 12 – Responsible Production and Consumption; 13 – Climate Action; 14 – Life Below Water; 15 – Life on Land).

The goal of the interventions will be to empower local communities to be involved at the negotiations and decisions being made appertaining to the use of natural resources. This is expected to create demand for transparency in the processes being undertaken at national and county levels. Identification of best mining practices for artisanal and small scale miners as well as largescale and international investors will be documented so as to enhance performance and management in the sector. The Council will in addition advocate for harmonization of the policies and legislation governing the sector to among others mainstream gender in all operations.

The interventions in this Thematic Area will be carried out through 5 Focus Areas clustered under 3 main goals:


Goal 1:            Improved community resilience towards negative impacts of Climate Change

    (i) Climate Change Governance

The objective is to empower communities to influence County government planning processes so that climate change is given priority

    (ii) Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

The objective is to empower communities with knowledge and skills so that they mitigate and adapt to climate change and so reduce their vulnerabilities


Goal 2:            Enhanced sustainability of food systems amongst communities in Kenya

    (iii) Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security

The objective is to increase agricultural production using appropriate technologies and enhance development of agricultural value chains and market access, leading to enhanced food security across the country


Goal 3:            Sustainable management and utilization of Natural Resources

    (iv) Extractives for sustainable development and peace

The objective is to enhance the capacities of local communities to effectively advocate for meaningful benefit from extractives in their areas

    (v) Policy and Legislation

The objective is to influence the development and implementation of policy, legal and institutional frameworks


D. Education, Health and Nutrition

Engagements in this Thematic Area will be guided by the Theory of Change Statement: IF NCCK enhances capacities for communities to have sustainable access to quality, affordable health care services and value-based education that address relevant local priority needs, THEN, communities will have just and fair access to services for a sustainable, resilient society and transformed lives.

Under this thematic area, the Council will during the 7th Corporate Plan period seek to address Sustainable Development Goals 1 – Poverty; 2 – Zero Hunger; 3 – Good Health and Well Being; 4 – Quality Education; and, 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation.

With regard to Education, the Council will during the 7th Corporate Plan period endeavor to increase access to education for all by addressing the social-cultural and economic barriers that hinder retention and transition of leaners. This will be in addition to advocacy for a policy framework that will secure ownership and role of sponsors in church-owned schools. The Council will also support schools with chaplaincy programmes. Towards this, the Council will focus on targeted scholarships, engagement with relevant ministries and government agencies, and active involvement in the education sector reform agenda through policy advocacy and promotion of technical vocational education.

These interventions will be aligned to the Constitution of Kenya 2010; Kenya’s Vision 2030; Education for All; Basic Education Curriculum Framework; the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (2016 – 2025); and African Union’s TVET strategy.

Interventions on Health and Nutrition will be aligned to the Constitution of Kenya 2010; the Kenya Health Policy (2014 – 2030); Social Pillar of Kenya’s Vision 2030; Medium Term Plan (2018 – 2022); Kenya’s Big 4 Agenda (universal health); African Union’s Regional Nutrition Strategy (2015 – 2025); and African Union’s AMCOW Policy and Strategy for Mainstreaming Gender in the Water Sector in Africa (2016 – 2030).

The interventions will be aimed at increasing access by communities to clean water, quality and affordable health care, as well as nutritious food. These are in addition to specific focus on creating awareness and management of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) which are on the rise. Efforts will also be made to enhance awareness for all age groups on HIV prevention and management, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescents’ health. On nutrition, the Council will aim to promote healthy living lifestyles.

Advocacy engagements will seek to influence health policies at national and county levels, as well as pushing for increased budgetary allocations for health.

The interventions in this Thematic Area will be undertaken through 8 Focus Areas clustered under 4 broad goals:


Goal 1:            Value Based Education System that is innovative, transformative and holistic

    (i) Access to retention and transition in education

The objective is to promote access, retention and transition of basic education by learners, by providing them with scholarships and other educational materials

    (ii) Influencing policy and legislation in education

The objective is to influence legal and policy frameworks so as to promote quality value-based education

    (iii) Technical, Vocational, Education and Training

The objective is to promote the uptake of technical training in the country by influencing policy and strengthening the capacities of member churches who run technical training institutions

    (iv) Support to Management of Learning Institutions

The objective is to strengthen the capacities of boards of management of schools to enable them discharge their mandates effectively


Goal 2:            Improved health and nutrition

    (v) Water and Sanitation

The objective is to promote access to adequate sanitation and hygiene by community members

    (vi) Community Health

The objective is to promote wellness of community members by providing information and awareness, monitoring medical practices, empowering member churches to deliver health programmes

    (vii) Orphans, Vulnerable Children, the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities

The objective is to promote social protection of the vulnerable in the community, with special focus on orphans, children, the elderly and Persons with Disabilities


Goal 3:            Increased access to quality healthcare and nutrition

    (viii) Influencing policy development and implementation for health services

The objective is to promote the review and implementation of health related policies and laws


E. Migration, Displacement and Humanitarian Response

Over the decades, the Council has built a track record in delivery of services to refugees at both Dadaab and Kakuma Refugee Camps, and as well as urban dwelling persons of concern. The operations at Dadaab and Kauma Refugee Camps began soon after the camps were established.

Internally, Kenya is prone to emergencies which sometimes progress to disaster levels. Such include droughts, floods and other man-made emergencies including industrial and road traffic accidents, violent conflicts, and waste related disasters. During such crises, the role and place of faith-based entities goes over and above provision of material assistance to include psycho-social support and response to meet spiritual needs.

With regard to migration and displacement, it is notable that Kenya hosts more than half a million refugees and also has a history of internally displaced persons. Different sources indicate that the country is also either a source or transit route for migrants and trafficked persons. It is a concern that such displaced persons and those on the move lack protection while on the move and in their destinations necessitating interventions to ensure their protection and upholding of their rights.

During the 7thCorporate Plan period, the Council will develop interventions aimed at enhancing refugee services, ensure effective emergency response, advocate for protection and rights of displaced persons, promote disaster risk reduction, and facilitate multi-stakeholder and community-managed approaches to disaster risk reduction.

To achieve this, the Council will employ four broad strategies: provision of direct assistance to population affected by emergencies; capacity building of member churches to provide humanitarian assistance and advocate for the rights of affected populations; advocate for the rights of forcibly displaced persons, victims of human trafficking, migrants and populations affected by emergencies; and foster networking and collaboration with other actors in this thematic area.

These interventions will be aligned to national, regional and global frameworks that include:

  • National Disaster Risk Management Policy 2018
  • Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Global Compact on Refugees
  • Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
  • Disaster Risk Management Bill 2018 which is currently under discussion by Parliament
  • Sustainable Development Goals 1 (Poverty), 2 (Zero Hunger), 3 (Good Health and Well Being), 10 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption), and 13 (Climate Action).


Various partnerships will be employed including working with:

  • Ministry of Devolution and ASAL
  • National Drought Management Authority
  • National Disaster Operations Centre
  • National Disaster Management Unit
  • National Disaster Management Authority
  • County disaster risk reduction preparedness plans and platforms
  • Partnerships the government has with UNDP, UNISDR USAID, DFID and World Bank

The interventions in this Thematic Area will be undertaken through 4 Focus Areas clustered under 2 broad goals:

Goal 1:            Promote human dignity for displaced persons

    (i) Refugee Services Programme

The objective is to provide lifesaving humanitarian assistance to refugees and support them to uphold their human dignity

    (ii) Migration and Displacement

The objective is to advocate for the rights of displaced persons, and strengthen the capacities of member churches to respond to the needs of such persons


Goal 2:            Promote human dignity of persons affected by emergencies and disasters

    (iii) Emergency Response and Relief

The objective is to provide emergency relief services and long term recovery support for communities, and strengthen the capacities of member churches to effectively respond to emergencies

    (iv) Disaster Risk Reduction

The objective is to provide capacities for communities and member churches to prepare, respond, recover and mitigate against disasters


5.2      Programme Support Function

To enable the Council effectively implement the Programme Work, two specific support functions are necessary. These are:

A. Programme Information and Communication Office

The objective is to ensure that the Programme work is well documented and communicated

B. Resource Mobilisation

The objective is to ensure that the Programme work is adequately resourced


5.3      Strategic Leadership

To ensure that the Council achieves her Vision, Mission and goals, there is need for strategic leadership which is provided by the General Secretary as is provided for in the NCCK Constitution. Designated as the Chief Executive Officer of the Council, the General Secretary provides the cohesion necessary between the different units of the Council, ensures that the governance organs function flawlessly, and provides leadership to the staff complement. The Deputy General Secretary provides necessary support in the executive of this mandate. During the 7th Corporate Plan period, the General Secretary will be guided by the following thematic focuses:

A. General Secretary’s Office

The General Secretary will have four main objectives:

  1. Strategic leadership and direction setting
  2. Effective management of the Council
  3. Resources Mobilisation
  4. Communication


B. Deputy General Secretary’s Office

In deputizing the General Secretary, the DGS will be guided by three main objectives:

  1. Deputize the General Secretary
  2. Spiritual formation
  3. Provide oversight for NCCK investments


5.4      Service Departments

The effective implementation of the programme interventions and the management functions are dependent on the logistical and technical facilitation of the Service Departments. During the 7th Corporate Plan, the Council will have 7 Service Departments:


A. Finance and Investments

The goal is to ensure faithful stewardship of Council’s financial and non-financial resources

B. Human Resources Management and Administration

The goal is to recruit, develop and maintain a skilled and competent human resource and also deliver efficient administration services

C. Legal Services Office

The goal is to ensure that the Council fulfils her constitutional and legal mandates

D. Risk and Internal Audit Unit

The goal is to ensure there is effective risk management as well as policy and regulatory compliance within the Council

E. Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning

The goal is to ensure that Council work is well planned, monitored and outcomes are communicated

F. Information and Communication Technology

The goal is to provide a robust information and technology infrastructure that supports on demand access to information

G. Communication and Public Relations

The goal is to ensure the Council has effective communication between staff, partner and the public



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  • Address: 3rd Fr, Jumuia Place, Lenana road, Nairobi
  • Address: P. O. Box 45009 – 00100, Nairobi
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