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November 2, 2023

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The Economic wellbeing of 1440 households in Ikutha, Kitui County has improved following a move by the National Council of Churches of Kenya – NCCK to organize them into self-help groups (SHG), and provide training on savings and Lending to grow their income.
The households have been grouped into 72 self-help groups, with one of the groups being Umoja Self-Help Group, which is composed of 17 members, and have accumulated a substantial capital base from saving Ksh 50 each on a weekly basis.
The group founded in 2021 has income-generating activities, which include buying cooking oil and detergent at wholesale prices and selling to members at retail, with the profits ploughed back to the group.
SHGs are informal associations of people who come together to find ways to improve their living conditions. They save money, and lend to each other to meet their financial needs. The model has enabled each member of the Umoja group, led by the community facilitator Veronica Kinyungu, provide basic needs for their children. The members have also acquired goats, water drums, plastic chairs, and solar lamps.
“I am so grateful to NCCK for organizing us into this self-help group. Before, I had no savings, and it was difficult to provide for my children, but now, I’ve been able to buy goats, a water drum, and solar lamps for my home. I am so happy and hopeful for the future,” says Veronica Kinyungu.
The NCCK has partnered with Help a Child Africa (HACA) to implement a Child-Centered Development project that aims to empower vulnerable households in Ikutha, Kitui County.