Promoting Agroforestry
November 8, 2023

Promoting Agroforestry
The National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) has distributed 13,500 fruit-tree seedlings to farmers in Tharaka Nithi County in the growing efforts to promote agroforestry to mitigate climate change.
The seedlings distribution benefited 1,100 farmers drawn from Nkondi, Gatunga, Marimanti, and Chiakariga wards, and was preceded by a training on importance of agroforestry, sustainable farming practices, and fruit tree husbandry.
Agroforestry is one of the climate-resilient practices being promoted by NCCK through the Conservation Agriculture project aimed at enhancing food security of households in Tharaka Nithi County. The project is supported by the Canadian Food Grains Bank (CFGB) through the United Church of Canada (UCC).
The adoption of agroforestry will enable the farmers increase biodiversity and contribute to a more productive, profitable, and climate-friendly use of land, in addition to building their resilience to the impact of climate change.