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Our Programmes

Our Programmes

Learning from the identified regional, national and church needs, and taking into consideration the prevailing trends, the Council has designed programmatic interventions which focus on 7 thematic  areas.

These programmatic interventions are detailed in the 6th Corporate Plan currently being implemented.



 Thematic Focus

Programmes / Departments


Capacity Building for Membership

i)     Church and Community Mobilization Process

ii)    Organizational Development for Membership

iii)   Family Life  Education


Governance, Economic Empowerment and Environment

i)     Constitutional Implementation and Civic Engagement

ii)    Accountability and Ethical Governance

iii)   Healing, Peace and Security

iv)   Economic Empowerment

v)    Climate Change

vi)   Natural Resources Management


Education and Health

i)     Education Advocacy Programme

ii)    Sponsorship Programme

iii)   Health Advocacy Programme

iv)   Community Health Programme

v)    HIV and AIDS Programme


Emergency Response and Refugees Services

i)     Emergency Response Programme

ii)    Refugees Services Programme


Service Departments

i)     Human Resource

ii)    Communication and Corporate Affairs

iii)   Information and Communication Technologies

iv)   Legal Office

v)    Internal Audit

vi)   Finance

vii) Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation


Commercial and Investments 

i)     Jumuia Resorts

ii)    Jumuia Projects


Strategic Leadership

i)     Deputy General Secretary

ii)    General Secretary



1.      Capacity Building for Membership

Recognizing that the NCCK is a membership organisation, various programmes were designed which are aimed at enhancing the organisational development of the membership. The programmes / projects under this thematic area include:


i)        Church and Community Mobilization Process (CCMP)

      The goal  is to enhance the capacities of institutions within the membership to deliver services through understanding and application of the Biblical mandate for holistic ministry.


ii)      Organisational Development for Membership

      With a goal of enhancing capacities of the member churches and organisations to deliver services to their constituents, the Council provides management, governance and leadership skills to them.


iii)    Family Life Education Programme

      Over the decades, the deteriorating condition of the family institution  has been identified as one of the most critical challenges facing Christians. Churches have equally been affected by family breakages while the high stress levels radically impact the productivity of the believers. The Council will therefore facilitate communities with information and education to enable them build better families. The goal of these interventions is to contribute towards the creation and strengthening  of families that are functional and have life skills to cope with emerging  challenges.


2.      Governance, Economic Empowerment and Environment

The Council has for years sought to promote the creation of a just and sustainable society. During this 6th Corporate Plan, the Council will continue to empower  community members to engage in governance and decision making, as well as  caring for the environment. Efforts will also be made to address poverty by empowering the people for  better livelihoods. The programmes / projects under  this thematic area will include the following:


i)        Constitutional Implementation and Civic Engagement

The goal of interventions in this area is to empower Kenyans to contribute to the implementation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, with focus on enabling them participate in governance processes at national and county levels.


ii)      Accountability and Ethical Governance

Decades of endemic corruption have fundamentally perverted politics and management of public and private resources to the point where Kenyans don’t expect or demand good governance. The identified solution is concerted and continuous action aimed at changing the mindset of both the leaders and community members engender an appreciation of good governance and best practices. The goal of these interventions will be to contribute to a free, transparent and accountable management of public resources as well as efficient delivery of services at all levels.


iii)    Healing, Peace and Security

Kenya has experienced conflict and violence in the past, which climaxed in the post election violence of 2007 / 08. The violence brought to the fore the painful memories that characterize inter-ethnic relations in the country that were filled with hatred and bitterness. In addition, there is a recognition that conflict and hatred have in the past been incited and provoked by politicians and other leaders as a means to acquire or cling topower. The Council will therefore make interventions aimed at contributing to integration and  cohesion among the communities.


iv)    Economic Empowerment

Poverty is recognized as one of the most debilitating tragedies that can befall a person or community. It is at the root of many of the problems facing Kenyans. Poverty limits people from engaging in issues that affect their lives, and opens them to manipulation and mis-use by the rich and influential people. Interventions in this area will therefore be aimed at improving the livelihoods of communities.


v)      Climate Change

This 6th Corporate Plan envisages enhanced interventions aimed at empowering the communities to contribute to sustainable environment through climate change mitigation and adaptation.


vi)    National Resource Management

Whereas Kenya is endowed with immense natural resources, many people are excluded from the management of the same. Local communities therefore don’t benefit from the God-given resources. During this corporate plan period, the Council will work to ensure there is equitable and sustainable utilisation of natural resources that include land, water and extractive resources. Communities will be empowered to effectively participate in these processes.


3.      Education and Health


i)        Education Advocacy Programme

Seeking to contribute to the development of a value based education system that is innovative, transformative and holistic, the Council will make various interventions during this period.


ii)      Sponsorship Programme

Appreciating the challenge that bright but needy students have in accessing quality education, the Council will continue to mobilize resources to provide scholarships.


iii)    Mentorship Programme

There is recognizably a great need for the younger members of the society to be empowered in the development of their skills and abilities so as to serve the community effectively. The Council will therefore promote mentorship so that the leadership and working capacities of young graduates are built.


iv)    Health Advocacy Programme

A major challenge facing many Kenyans is that they are unable to access quality health care, which limits their productivity. The Council will therefore advocate for increased budgetary allocations to the health sector, in addition to working for increased access by communities to maternal and child health services.


v)      Community Health Programme

The Council will during this corporate plan period work to enhance the health status of community members by building their capacities to protect themselves from preventable diseases and to promote good nutrition.


vi)    HIV and AIDS Programme

In view of the impact that the HIV and AIDS epidemic has had on the country, the Council will work to improve the quality of lives of people living with  HIV, while campaigning for behaviour change in society  so as to reduce the rate of new infections. Support will be provided to OVCs (Orphaned and Vulnerable Children) to enable them live  better lives.


4.      Emergency Response and Refugee Services


i)        Emergency Response Programme

Due to low levels of preparedness, many communities suffer great losses when disasters occur. The Council will during this period work to build capacities of the people to prepare for, prevent and mitigate emergencies. Efforts will also be made to facilitate disaster risk reduction among the communities.


ii)      Refugee Services

With a deep concern for persons who have had to leave their own countries and seek refuge in Kenya, the Council will continue working to improve their welfare by running various programmes. This enables the refugees to have humane lives. The Council is in this regard guided by a goal of ensuring quality and timely response to refugees and those in emergency situations.


 5.      Service Departments


To facilitate efficient operations within the Council, various departments have been established to provide internal capacities. These departments are:


a.         Human Resources

The goal of this department is to ensure that the Council secures and maintains a professional and motivated workforce.


b.         Communications and Corporate Affairs

This department will facilitate effective and efficient communications internally and externally with a goal of building the reputation of the Council as an influential and effective ecumenical institution.


c.         Information and Technologies

Technology is the bedrock of efficiency in the working of any institution. For this reason, the Council will work to ensure it has optimal application of existing and emerging technologies so as to enhance productivity.


d.         Legal Office

The goal of this office is to ensure that the Council operates within the legal framework. It will also work to secure the legal interests of the Council.


e.         Internal Audit

To ensure productivity, the Council will through t his office enhance compliance with policies and procedures.


f.         Finance Department

Prudence in planning and management of financial resources is essential to the achievement of the objectives of the Council. The Finance department will therefore  ensure that the Council exercises frugality as well as timely and accurate reporting.


g.         Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

The PME office will work to ensure that the Council operates within the set plans and that all initiatives achieve their goals.


 6.       Commercial and Investments

 Recognizing that programmatic interventions will not be adequate to address the needs in some sectors, the Council will enhance investments in strategic special purpose vehicles during this corporate plan period. These will include:


1.         Jumuia Resorts

Seeking to supplement the income of the Council, the Jumuia Resorts will be managed in such a way as to build their profitability.


2.         Jumuia Projects

The Council will put in place management measures and structures to ensure successful development of projects that include:


a)         Jumuia Schools

        The goal of this company is to build model schools so as to enhance access to quality and value based education by all Kenyans.


b)         Jumuia Hospitals

        The goal of this company is to build model medical facilities so as to increase the access to high quality and affordable medical services by Kenyans.


c)         Jumuia Business Services

        The goal of this company is to facilitate economic empowerment of Kenyans so as to eradicate poverty.


d)         Kanamai Ocean Front Development

        The goal of this project is to build strengthen   the Council income by building a business venture at Jumuia Conference and Beach Resort, Kanamai.


e)         Jumuia Properties

        Thrift management will be exercised in maintenance and development of the Council’s properties.



7.       Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership is necessary for the Council to achieve the stated goals and targets during the period of the 6th Corporate Plan. This leadership will be provided by the General Secretary, whose specific objectives are:


1.         Deputy General Secretary

Other than deputizing the GS, the DGS will continue to articulate the biblical and theological basis of the Council’s engagement in contemporary issues, in addition to facilitating holistic spiritual formation and growth.


2.         General Secretary

The General Secretary will provide overall strategic leadership aimed at promoting and ensuring achievement of the Council’s vision and mission.

September 2024

Jumuia Hospitals

Jumuia Hospitals 2

Our Resorts


Contact Information


  • Address: 3rd Fr, Jumuia Place, Lenana road, Nairobi
  • Address: P. O. Box 45009 – 00100, Nairobi
  • Tel: 254202721249
  • Fax: 25420728748
  • Email:
  • Website: