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Today, 22nd March 2024, the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) Lower Eastern Region held its Kajiado County Coordinating Committee meeting here at Full Gospel Church in Kajiado Town to reflect on the status of the Country and to analyze the NADCO report. During our discussions, we reflected on Isaiah 6:8 entitled “Here I am! Send me.” where members were encouraged to be ready, prepared, faithful, available, and devoted to the Lord’s calling.
In general, we are in agreement with all the five key areas discussed under the NADCO report. Notwithstanding this, we recognize the imperative of collectively seeking positive resolutions to the following concerns:

a. Public Participation
We appreciate the goodwill of our political leaders to unite Kenyans and promote cohesion in the country through dialogue. We advocate for the dissemination of the NADCO report to all Kenyans to enhance meaningful participation in the process as this has a direct impact on the Kenyan people.

b. Cost of Living
We acknowledge the challenges faced by the government in balancing fiscal responsibilities and meeting the needs of the population. However, we recommend inflation management, the government should implement effective measures to manage inflation, as it directly contributes to the escalation of prices. The high cost of living directly affects most vulnerable populations including youth, women, and PWD. The government should implement strategies that lower the cost of fuel and electricity as these are the major contributors to the cost of production.

c. Reducing government spending
We support the NADCO proposal to reduce public servants and government officials’ expenditures. This should be implemented in cognisant of the fact that the July-December 2023 Financial Report by the Controller of Budget report indicates excessive National and County government expenditures in the travel and hospitality vote heads. We also urge the government to desist from duplicating roles by creating new positions that increase the tax burden on Kenyans.

d. Boundaries delimitation
We are cognizant of the need for justice especially on the issue of boundaries review. We are aware that land issues are highly emotive and thus need to ensure that there is active participation from all stakeholders, and this should be done peacefully and justly to enhance cohesion in this nation

e. Electoral Justice
As NCCK, we support the NADCO report on the constitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) and the appointment of the Commissioners to allow for electoral processes, especially in counties that have lost their representatives at the Ward and Constituency level. Moreover, to support the boundaries review. We recommend having eleven members instead of nine with 4 representatives to be nominated from the different faiths who represent a majority of Kenya.

f. Gender equality
We as members of NCCK recommend the adoption of option 1 Article 177(2) which will address the 2/3rd gender rule through party proportional representation.
Considering that increasing the number of women seats in the county may pose a challenge when the number of men in parliament becomes the subject of concern.

g. Safety on our roads
We join Kenyans to mourn the departed souls of men and women through accidents, may God comfort their families. We have observed the increase in tragic accidents across the country, and we call upon the traffic agencies to work closely with the Ministry of Transport and Security to ensure all road safety guidelines are adhered to. We also call upon all drivers to drive carefully. Moreover, we ask travelers and all Kenyans to be more vigilant on road safety.

Our Commitment
We affirm our commitment to work with all stakeholders and support the government to ensure the well-being of all Kenyans. We are servants of God and humanity and seek to advocate for justice for all. Consequently, we affirm our commitment to continue praying for this country and county that God will grant us His blessings. And specifically pray for the Kajiado County leadership that God will grant them wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to lead God’s people.

God Bless Kajiado
God Bless Kenya

Signed on this 22nd day of March 2024 at Full Gospel Church, Kajiado Town by:
Bishop Gaddiel Lenini
NCCK Kajiado CCC Chairman

February 2025

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