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NCCK Embu County Coordinating Committee

Press Statement


The NCCK Embu County Coordinating Committee met here at NICA Mwamba Imara on April 5, 2024 to transact formal business and reflect on issues of concern to the citizens.

The delegates drew inspiration from 2 Kings 16 on steadfastly upholding the sacred calling bestowed upon them. We must remain loyal and accountable to God, and faithfully execute our mandate.

Following our deliberations in the meeting, we wish to share the following message to the nation.  

  1. Sustain war on illicit brews

This committee wishes to applaud the invaluable efforts led by the Deputy President, H.E. Rigathi Gachagua to get rid of illicit brews in our region and the country at large. The devastation this vice has left especially in our region cannot be sufficiently stated. It has torn families apart, increased the death to consumers, and increased poverty levels in society. Illicit brewers, dealers, and their accomplices should face dire consequences in the fight against uncontrolled alcoholism. These efforts are giving hope to our people that there will be a future hope. Our call is for all to join in this war to ensure its sustenance. We call on our County Government to implement the Alcoholic Control Act to the letter as part of this initiative. Illicit brewers and dealers must be dealt it ruthlessly. As the Church, we commit to leading in speaking truth to power and mobilizing all our members to fight this menace.

2. Resolve Healthcare Crisis Speedily

We are concerned and disappointed that the country is going through a serious healthcare crisis with a slow process of resolving the glaring issues. We are saddened by images of the sick remaining unattended in public healthcare facilities due to the ongoing doctor’s strike. We call upon all county governments nationwide to fastrack holding meaningful dialogue and negotiations with doctors and other medics to resolve the emerging crisis due to the persisting strikes.

On the other hand, the transition from the National Health Insurance Fund to the Social Health Insurance Fund is extremely slow and not well understood. As a result, many patients are suffering greatly as health facilities quietly decline to treat them based on the NHIF. We call upon the government to speed up the transition and to especially undertake widespread civic education on the same.

3. Punish Fertilizer Scammers

We appreciate the initiative by President H.E. Dr. Willliam Ruto on his steadfast support in the Agriculture sector through the provision of quality and subsidized fertilizers for farmers. We are saddened by the allegations that the fertilizer in circulation is fake. We take note that the government committed to thoroughly investigating the allegations of fake fertilizer supplies to farmers to nail down the scam. We demand the investigations be fast-tracked and those involved to face the wrath of the law. This will be a great relief to the farmers who are in panic and concerned over this matter.

4. Prioritize measures to address Cost of Living

The committee discussed the state of the economy and took cognizance of the continued biting high cost of living. The most troubling is the failure to implement policies and measures that meaningfully cut down the cost of living, contrary to what was promised during the elections. Persistent increases in taxation is hurting our people by creating panic and psychological instability. We call on the parliament to fast-track the review of the Finance Act of 2023, as promised by the Deputy President to do away with the punitive taxation measures, especially to farmers which are potentially disillusioning them.

We also call on County Governments to reassure the citizens by reducing the taxation levels.

5. Carry People along in the implementation of NADCO Recommendations

We reviewed the report by the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report that was presented to and adopted by Parliament. We appreciate that NADCO process helped stabilize the country while providing an opportunity for dialogue on contentious issues that keep the country under tension and conflicts. On a dissatisfied note, none of the 9 bills spoke to the cost of living, which was the very reason why the anti-government protests had been held. That notwithstanding, we call on the parliament to carry the people along in the processing of these bills by ensuring properly done public participation, with their feedback incorporated.

On our part, we will ensure the content of the report and the 9 bills are known to the citizens through our various platforms for informed involvement when public participation forums are called by the Parliament.

6. Call to Support NCCK Scholarship Programme

We in the National Council of Churches of Kenya have been providing scholarships for 63 students in Secondary Schools each year. However, the number of needy students remains very high. We now welcome all Kenyans to support our scholarship programme by contributing one shilling and fifty cents each day by sending an SMS written ELIMU to 29888. Also, dial *802# for the post-paid contributions. Let us pool our resources to support our children to go through secondary school.


Joint efforts in addressing the issues facing our people cannot be overemphasized. The government takes the leading role having been constitutionally mandated to serve the people. As NCCK Embu, we commit to play our role to ensure the welfare of citizens in our county is taken care of.

God bless Embu, God bless Kenya


Rt. Rev. Stephen Njogu,

Chairman, NCCK Embu County Coordinating Committee

February 2025

Jumuia Hospitals

Jumuia Hospitals 2

Our Resorts


Contact Information


  • Address: 3rd Fr, Jumuia Place, Lenana road, Nairobi
  • Address: P. O. Box 45009 – 00100, Nairobi
  • Tel: 254202721249
  • Fax: 25420728748
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