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Eliminating barriers to peaceful coexistence

Press Statement

Religious leaders representing NCCK member churches in Migori county have this morning met here at PEFA church in Migori town to reflect on the state of our county and the nation. We reflected on the scripture recorded in 1 Corinthians 13:11;
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
This forum has provided an opportunity for us to deliberate on a number of socioeconomic and political scenarios that are emerging in our county.
We now wish to share the following message with the residents of Migori County and the country in general.

Economic slowdown
1. High basic commodity prices have exacerbated the country’s cost of living situation, reducing ordinary citizens’ purchasing power and causing additional issues for them. We have reached a point where the government does not appear to have enough revenue to provide services, repay loans, or even meet salary obligations. Unfortunately, the level of waste in government is staggering, exacerbating the issue.
2. The current Governor has implemented notable projects and programs, but we anticipate that he will create significant legacy projects for which he will be remembered. Furthermore, the quality of service delivery, particularly in the health sector, remains low as a result of medical practitioners’ frequent industrial strikes, as well as a lack of drugs and essential equipment in most health facilities. We decry the state of the recently launched sweet potato plant which only operated for a few months and has since stalled, we urge the county government to revive the project for the well-being of the Citizens of Migori County.
3. We urge the current Governor to complete all stalled projects initiated by the previous Governor, including factories and level 4 hospitals. We believe this is a waste of taxpayer money and a delay in service delivery.
4. The County Government’s use of proxies as contractors raises concerns about integrity and conflicts of interest. We would like to remind the County Government and all other elected leaders that their primary responsibility is to implement and oversee development projects in the county. The County Government should enforce the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act.
5. Insecurity has increased in the county, specifically in Suna East, Suna West, Rongo, and Awendo Sub-county with residents being mugged, trucks being robbed, houses being broken into early in the evening, and other related incidents. They are extorting money from passers-by and openly smoking bhang, which is cause for concern. These cases need to be addressed immediately.

Gender-based violence is on the rise, with high rates of adolescent pregnancy, defilement, rape, and incest. Migori County has received negative attention, affecting both its image and population. We urge civil society, county, and national governments, as well as parent and teacher organizations, to work together to combat this pandemic that endangers future generations. On the same note, drug, alcohol, and substance abuse are on the rise, and it is having a negative impact on young boys. These social vices must be eradicated through collective action. We need to stop pointing fingers and assigning blame.

We condole with the families that lost their loved ones due to road accidents. As we pray with them for comfort, we pray that our roads will be safe by the spirit of God. We implore the government to mark the roads, and lanes and ensure that all road signs should be put in place. The government should also ensure that traffic rules are enforced.

In regards to the NADCO report, we urge the parliament to move with speed in its implementation and look critically at the cost of living.

Our recommendations
1. We urge the government to resuscitate the collapsed sugar and tobacco sectors which directly offered employment opportunities to a majority of Migori residents. For the short-term economic revival, the government should implore on rolling out social protection programs like Kazi Mtaani. This will go far into reducing rising cases of crime in Migori County since unemployed youth are more easily mobilized to violence.
2. We recommend that the national and county governments adopt an approach to frugality by cutting off all unnecessary expenditures.
Further, the government needs to communicate clearly to Kenyans the pathway out of the economic crisis the nation is experiencing.

Thank You All.
God Bless Migori County.
God Bless Kenya.

Signed on this day of 22nd March 2024 by:
Bsp Dan Rangili – PEFA Church.
Pst Phillip Ochieng – Friends Church.

February 2025

Jumuia Hospitals

Jumuia Hospitals 2

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