Let us Build Unity, Peace and National Cohesion
June 7, 2024

Let us Build Unity, Peace and National Cohesion
Press Statement
The officials elected to lead the NCCK South Rift region have participated in a two-day induction workshop here at PCEA Dr Arthur Alpha Resort, Nakuru, on 6th and 7th June 2024. The leaders took time to consider the state of Baringo, Bomet, Kericho, Nakuru, Narok and Samburu counties as they prepare to provide leadership over the next three years. This was in addition to extensive discussions on the NCCK constitution, structures, history, and programmes.
The leaders, who were elected during the County Coordinating Committees meetings as well as Regional Conference held this year, were inspired by the scripture recorded in Ephesians 4: 3
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
1. Deliver Services and Development, Not Politics
An assessment of the context in our counties shows that incessant politicking and early campaigns towards the 2027 General Elections is threating national cohesion and hindering meaningful service delivery. The most affected sector is health whereby public health facilities are either non-operational or are lacking medications, causing unnecessary suffering among the citizens. Further, more than 20 schools remain closed in Baringo and Samburu Counties, while more than 3,000 households are still living in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps.
We call upon all political leaders to suspend campaigns and divisive politics and instead focus on doing the work they were elected to do. On their part, we urge political aspirants to engage in constructive opposition by offering alternatives, not merely driving discord and ethnic divisions.
On its part, we challenge the national government to live up to its mandate and bring the insecurity in Baringo and Samburu counties to an end without further drama. There is no logical justification why the residents in our region have been left to unduly suffer insecurity and underdevelopment.
2. Give Hope Not Despair in the Finance Bill 2024
The Bible in Exodus 22: 22 – 23 has a very clear warning
Do not take advantage of a widow or orphan. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. My anger will be aroused, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives will become widows and your children fatherless.
We appeal to all the Members of Parliament to hear and heed this warning. Do not pass the Finance Bill 2024 when it contains punitive and livelihood-killing taxes and levies. The people of Kenya are crying out because the burden the government is laying on them is too heavy. Remember that the people in your constituencies elected you to represent them, not kill their dreams. Do not ever forget what happened to the leaders of Egypt when the people of Israel cried out to God because of oppressive government policies.
We urge the Members of Parliament to reject the Finance Bill 2024 and demand that the Treasury drafts one that will give Kenyans hope and inspiration to work more.
On their part, we encourage the residents of our counties to make presentations to the Department Committee on Finance and National Planning on the Finance Bill.
3. Involve Kenyans in Electoral Reforms
Reports emerging from Parliament have shown that the process of implementing the report of the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) is ongoing. This is a gross injustice on the people of Kenya who have not been given a fair chance to review, discuss and validate the changes being made despite the impact this will have on their lives.
We call upon the Speakers of the National Assembly and the Senate to publish the NADCO report in a manner accessible to all Kenyans. Further, the Justice and Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament should visit all the counties to receive input from the citizens on the proposed reforms. The maxim “nothing about us without us” should be observed.
On our part, we have committed to use our structures and platforms to educate the people on the NADCO report and attendant reforms so that we all make informed decisions.
4. Reconstitute the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission
The persistent delay in the reconstitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is a major threat to the nation. This is because it is only the IEBC that has the constitutional power to conduct elections when vacancies occur. As a result, the residents of Barissa Constituency as well as Nyamaiya, Kisa East, Lakezone and Chewenai Wards are without elected representatives. Further, all Kenyans have been denied the right to benefit from review of electoral boundaries that should have been done by March 2024.
We call upon His Excellency President William Ruto and all other stakeholders to set aside political sideshows and facilitate the completion of the appointment of the IEBC Commissioners.
In conclusion, we call upon the leaders and all the residents of our counties to put effort in building peace and cohesion while creating an environment where citizens can carry out dignified livelihoods.
May the scripture in 1 Thessalonians 4: 11 always inspire us:
Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you.
May God bless this South Rift Region and the entire Kenya now and always.
Bishop Peter Muiruri
Chairman, NCCK South Rift Region