July 28, 2024

The Executive Committee of the National Council of Churches of Kenya is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Sussie Ingosi Ndanyi as the Deputy General Secretary effective July 29, 2024. As provided for in the NCCK Constitution, the Deputy General Secretary serves one term of six years renewable once.
Ms Ndanyi holds a Master of Business Administration in Project Management from Kenyatta University; Master of Divinity in Peace and Justice from Earlham School of Religion; and Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Marketing from the University of Nairobi.
Ms Ndanyi has in the past served as a member of the Executive Board of the Friends World Committee for Consultation; leadership of the Friends United Meeting; and Treasurer of NCCK Nairobi Region.
She brings to the NCCK a wealth of experience in church administration, advocacy, operational and financial oversight, risk assessment control, and policy formulation and implementation.
The NCCK commends Ms Ndanyi on her appointment, and covets your prayers that her term of duty will have God’s favour and success.

NCCK Identity
Serving as a leading voice of witness to Jesus Christ since 1913, the NCCK is a family of Churches and Organisations bringing together more than 16 million Christians united in faith and mission and transforming lives.
NCCK Vision Statement
One Church; United in Faith and Mission Witnessing to Jesus Christ and Transforming Lives
NCCK Mission Statement
Holistic transformation of lives for a just, resilient and sustainable society
NCCK Core Values
- Integrity
- Stewardship
- Professionalism
- Partnership
- Servanthood
NCCK Programme Thematic Areas (What We Do)
- Leadership and Capacity Development
- Governance, Peace and Security
- Climate Change, Food Security and Natural Resource Management
- Education, Health and Nutrition
- Migration, Displacement and Humanitarian Response
For more information, visit or write to
Signed on this 28th day of July 2024 at Jumuia Place, Nairobi.
Rev Canon Chris Kinyanjui