James Muhia
April 9, 2014
NAME: Rev. James Muhia
REGION: Central
After training in HIV/AIDS I was able to encourage the members of my parish on how to take care of those who are living with HIV/AIDS.
One Sunday I welcomed all those who were HIV positive in the church and gave them a chance to greet the congregation. They did it and encouraged the member to go for tests because them, they had known their status. This became the most happy moment of their lifes. They started feeling a sense of belonging in the church.
The church started involving them in the church activities and they participated wholeheartedly. This opened a door for other members of the community desiring to come in the church. I used to organize for a fellowship of all the persons living with HIV/AIDS once or twice a week in the church. They would turn up nd we shared the word of God. After fellowship, we used to eat together and plan for the next meeting. I used to visit them during the clinic day in the Health Centre where we used to prayer before they get their medication. This was a great succeess after training.
Am still keeping this spirit and am very happy about it.