Assenath Karendi
January 31, 2018
Gichocho village, Nkuene location Meru south sub county and in Meru County was where Assenath Karendi hails from. Born in a poor family of five under the care of a single mother then a casual worker. I was miraculously picked for this NCCK scholarship program in 2008 at form two level.
I am 27 yrs old working in a tea factory as quality inspection officer in Embu County. Am an accountant by profession and network marketing professional by choice, working both online and offline in multi level marketing industry (MCM), thanks to NCCK .
Being the first born in my family, I had more responsibilities than rights. Helping out in the garden, in the house and also going for Kandarasi to help feed the family and upkeep. It was hectic in primary school and worse when I joined secondary school. Most often I would report to school a week later due to lack of Kshs. 60 for transport. Needless to mention, I would report with less or no shopping to take me through the term. It was almost difficult to survive in school and being sent home for fees was a routine and to a point I was almost quitting.
We are defined by the decisions we make and I made this decision of serving diligently and relentlessly In the house of Yahweh. The scripture says that he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. From my local church I was picked for the program and it is because of this program and the entire NCCK family that I am whom I am today. It stepped at the very moment I needed it. Almost at the verge of giving up. My life was lit and strength rejuvenated, thanks to NCCK. I gained a sense of direction.
I did not let complacency switch kill my desire to excel despite becoming from a humble background. I discovered my self in life and had to aim higher even after high school. I would love to encourage everyperson who reads this, all is not lost, regardless of the hell you might have been through there is still a chance that life can be better and you can smile again.
I quote this: Of all the avenues of live that there are to live for complacency should be viewed as the switch that kills the will to build.
From my desk I say, Thank you to the NCCK family, all protocols observed. God bless.